Youth Star logo-English-editThe Youth Star Cambodia name and logo embody the ideals and principles of Youth Star.

The name “Youth Star Cambodia” was selected as a rebuttal to Khmer sayings prevalent in Cambodian society that caution young people not to reach for the stars because it is unrealistic and will only result in failure.

We believe that every young person can fulfill their potential and aspirations if given the opportunity. Our logo encourages young people to dream big and reach for the stars!

The colors blue, red, and white are the colors of the Cambodian flag, which symbolize civic responsibility and civic leadership. The color red symbolizes the idealism and energy of youth transformed into action. The color blue symbolizes trust and harmony.

The star symbolizes human potential and excellence, a call for young people to be all that they can be.

The logo’s two figures represent teamwork, cooperation, and community building. The contrasting red and blue symbolizes diversity in backgrounds, culture, and experiences that come together at YSC for the common good.

The crisp, strong lettering style symbolizes upright character and clear communication.