On the 5th of December 2014 Youth Star commenced its second Globalgiving fundraising campaign. This campaign—Fund 10 Cambodian Graduates to Educate Rural Youth— aims to raise US$25,000 (just over £15,000) by 15 January 2015. These funds will be sufficient to place 10 graduate volunteers in rural Cambodia in 2015.In total, Youth Star aims to have 25 volunteers “out in the field” in 2015. If we are able to achieve this goal our office in Phnom Penh will be very busy. The recruitment of volunteers is an extensive process. Youth Star is very careful to choose volunteers that have the appropriate skills, approach and motivation for what can be a very challenging role.
Often the selection of a volunteer also requires close liaison with the volunteer’s parents, who may require convincing that serving as a volunteer is in their child’s long-term interest. Volunteers only receive a small monthly stipend of $US90 during their placement. We encourage parents and potential volunteers to also liaise with former Youth Star alumni, so they can appreciate the benefits pf volunteering to the community in which they serve and to themselves. Over 90% of Youth Star alumni have gone on full time employment, often in roles that provide ongoing service to the Cambodian community.
All volunteers receive two week’s pre-departure training and return to Phnom Penh for follow-up training of one week’s duration twice during their 12 month placement. Youth Star also periodically visits graduates in their rural placements.
Our longer term aim is to gradually increase the number of volunteer placements on a year by year basis. We will only do this if we are able to provide the level of support each volunteer requires.
If you would like to help fund a volunteer please visit the campaign page on the Globalgiving website.
Posted 9 December 2014