Join the International Volunteer Day 2013 in Cambodia


Are you interested in helping others and being an active member of your society? Have you ever volunteered or you are searching for opportunities to try volunteering for the first time? Come to the celebration of the International Volunteer Day 2013 and share your experience and learn more about volunteering, its benefits and opportunities in Cambodia.
On December 5th from 8am to 4pm the 3rd National Forum on Volunteerism will take place in the National Institute of Education, Phnom Penh. Volunteers from all over Cambodia can participate, share ideas and learn more about their accomplishments and opportunities. The discussions will focus on development of skills through volunteerism and possibilities of volunteering in ASEAN Region. The participants will have an opportunity to interact and learn from distinguished speakers from local, national and international organizations, representatives of the government and private sector.

The celebrations will continue from 5pm at Meta House, Phnom Penh and will include:

–          A fair of volunteering organizations

–          Loy9 sharing their experience with volunteering and success of the Blood Donation Campaign

–          Let’s Do It!: volunteers solving problems of pollution and environmental protection

–          Friends International and their unique social business model

–          Debates and discussions with variety of volunteer involving organizations about volunteering opportunities in Cambodia and around the world

–          Performance of Tiny Toones and Koh Thlok band.

We would like to encourage all volunteer involving organizations and volunteers to take part in this unique event and contribute to recognition of volunteers and their hard work all over the world. Having this in mind we would also like to invite you to participate in a nation-wide campaign Recognize Me!, which is giving voice and face to volunteers all over Cambodia. Please see details on

Recognize Me! Campaign:

recognise me