In August, Ms. Se Savin, a 16-year-old youth club leader in Prey Veng province was featured in the United Nations Volunteer in Cambodia (UNV)’s “Dream Magazine” on youth employability. The magazine was part of a project between the UNV and the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport (MoEYS) aiding poverty reduction among youth and developing volunteers’ skill sets for increased employability.

Savin says in the magazine that she first learned about volunteerism from a Youth Star volunteer serving in her village when she was younger. “At first, I had no idea how to lead a youth club. However, the Youth Star volunteer taught me leadership skills that enabled me to lead the team effectively”, she says.
The magazine has been distributed to secondary/high schools all over the provinces and also through online channels. You can click here to read it (Savin’s story is on page 10).